Friday 13 March 2015

Happy cows gives better milk

Our story begins on a 26 acre farm at Manchar, famed for its green produce. The farm is india’s most advanced dairy farm. Equipped with the finest international technology for milking cows, and processing milk. There are cows and then there are cows that are the epitome of the species. A hand-picked herd of thoroughbred Holstein Freisens. We believe “Happy cows, gives  better milk” . So we take great pains to ensure that our cows are happier than anyone else’s. The cow comfort is from painstakingly manicured, pristine green pastures to customized feed for each individual cow.

benefits of milk

Our cows get a planned meal every day. We specially grow high quality alfalfa, pennisetum, greens, beans, soya and bran to prepare a wholesome diet to keep them healthy and happy. We call this a total meal ratio and it is designed to keep every cow in prime health condition. The result is rich wholesome milk that is natural and full of the vital goodness of cow’s milk . Our 50 point mechanized rotary parlour and detailed handling processes ensure that the milk is both hygienically and humanely procured. In fact, every cow goes thorugh an electronic health check every time it is milked, to ensure that it at peak health for milking.

Expert handlers and healthcare providers are always on hand to make sure that our cows are in the pink of health. Once the cows are milked, the fresh milk is instantly pasteurized, bottled and chilled and is transported straight to your doorstep in a special van that is temperature controlled at 4⁰C. Our unique supply chain ensures that your milk is not just pure and unadulterated but also untouched by humans hands.

best milk in india

When you open a bottle of Pride of Cows milk, you know that this is the healthiest choice you can make for yourself and your family. We pay just as much attention to taste as we do to nutrition. Pure, rich, thick and creamy, nothing tastes better than a glass of milk from Pride of Cows. After all, it really is so much more than a bottle of milk; it is a labour of love. While you begin each day with the taste of good health, we promise to be here with you every step of the way. With tips, tricks, recipes, facts and anecdotes, we’ll help you separate the grain from the chaff as you take the first step of many on the road to health and happiness.So pour yourself a glass of milk and say cheers!

If you have a query or would like us to address any particular topic, do drop us a line in the comments below.

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