Thursday 16 April 2015

Benefits of having country fresh milk

Over the years people have realized the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet and accordingly are bringing it to their own lifestyles. With the advent of technology and different kinds of products in the market, more and more different kinds of options are available for people to choose from. In today’s world, fitness plays a very crucial role, not only for well-being, but also as a tool of status and pride. People have started being brand conscious for commodities such as food, as well. Even with essentials such as tea, coffee or country fresh milk, there are tons of options and brands available in the best of hypermarkets. 

Every attribute be it proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals, have a particular role in one’s body and ignoring any of them, can be very harmful in the long run. A balanced diet is only complete if all the attributes are taken carefully and in right quantities, everyday. There are a lot of basic food products and drinks which one needs to consume on a daily basis, in order to maximize nutrition and minimize disorders. One of the most important food items, which should be taken every day, is fresh cow milk. It has a lot of benefits for the human body and is thus, a daily-drink which needs to be taken at least once every day. 

Many people have now shifted to professional dieticians and nutritionists in order to get a daily diet for themselves. Weight loss and staying fit has become a priority for most people, in today’s generation. These dieticians have a customized diet chart for all their clients. Most dieticians suggest fresh milk as a daily-drink, since it is a source of natural protein, instead of consuming artificial protein supplements which can backfire to one’s body. The daily-drink also helps in keeping blood pressure and heart rates in control in most adults and is also helpful to prevent fatigue and depression. 

The question thus arises, in what proportions and at what times should one have milk? The answer would vary from age-to-age. For a child, who is between the age of 5-10 years two glasses a day can suffice, whereas for an adult, one glass a day is ok. It is important for children to have it on daily basis, especially in their growth years, since it has a direct impact on one’s immunity levels. Fresh milk can also be converted into different forms such as buttermilk, cottage-cheese, milkshakes etc. in order to give it to children indirectly.


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